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Troubleshooting ROS for Windows

The team is monitoring ROS Answers 🔗, ROS Discourse 🔗, and the /r/ROS Subreddit 🔗.

This page will be updated with environment related problems as we diagnose them with customers.

Windows Specific Bugs

Please create a GitHub issue on the ROS on Windows GitHub repository 🔗.

No Visual Studio command line build?

If you find that you do not have a Visual Studio command line in your start menu, it likely means that it wasn't installed during Visual Studio setup.

To Fix, please launch the Visual Studio installer and select to install the C++ build environment.

CMake Fails to find Visual Studio after upgrade

CMake caches part of the build environment when building a workspace. If you upgrade Visual Studio after building, you may encounter an error like this:

CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt:

    C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.22.27905/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe

To correct this situation, please delete the devel, build and install directories and rebuild:

cd c:\catkin_ws
rd /s build devel install